Tuesday, June 28, 2005

THE DREAM (part deux)

Have fun with this... hum.. look around if there's anyone around... you MIGHT want to rethink that!

In front of her was Jen, sexier than ever for she had unbuttoned her shirt halfway down , revealing the top curves of her voluptuous breasts. "Foxy Lady" was now blaring through the big speakers. Jen seemed pleased to hear this song at that very moment.

As she walked through the crowd of friends, some looked, some continued chatting as if this was a normal occurrence. As everyone seemed to form a path in front of her, one guy got in the way: "Hey, looking hot Jen!".

" I’m with her", she said, pointing at Lexy.

Val got up and tapped Lexy on the shoulder, still holding her wide smile in place. As Jen was coming nearer, Lex finally said: "What... what’s this?"

Jen approached her from the side, subtlely shaking her hips to the rhythm of Jimmy Hendrix and whispered in her ear: "This is your surprise". She sucked on Lexy’s earlobe tenderly and bit it a little.

Lex thought maybe she had passed out from drinking too much and was now dreaming. Suddenly, Jen straddled her. Her blue corduroy skirt rested over Lex’s trembling legs. Only then did she get it, and grinned like never before. Jen was still shaking her hips, bringing her body as far down as it could, resting on Lexy’s legs. Her breasts were even more defined now, every curve visible to Lex was screaming for her touch.

(to be continued...)

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